You never see people post their bad photos, only their best work. I understand why (collective) we do this, we are meant to sell ourselves and our talent. But... for those that think like me... I think you are only as talented as the lessons you learn from your failures - big or small.
This applies to more than just photos, but this is the simplest expression of showing when things go wrong, or you make mistakes, or you just make plain-old-not-so-great-work. Not only does this show one is willing to learn but illustrates their taste, their understanding of what does not work, and so much more.
That, and I find it paramount that people are open about where they came from, and help others (and themselves) get better.
But if you are trying to hire me... don't worry, I am 100% better than this now ;)

Lesson Learned: don't underexpose expired film

Lesson Learned: frame the whole subject in the shot

Lesson Learned: get it in focus

Lesson Learned: don't overexpose slide film more than 2/3 stop

Lesson Learned: make sure your camera works

what an interesting missfire?

strange shutter issue on my Minolta SRT-101

need to better plan exposure bracketing...

Lesson learned: need to consider movement when doing long exposures